
Over the last year - but really the last six months - life has drastically changed. We moved. #1 completed her first year of preschool. #2 is his own person. We are expecting another baby. And I finally feel like life is settling into a rhythm.

I say this but it’s the very beginning of summer. Life isn’t setting anytime soon.

But I feel like I’m in at least a bit of a routine to start changing my habits. I enjoy writing. I enjoy doing a lot of stuff. But I haven’t written in forever. I haven’t done a lot of hobbies in forever. So I’m starting here. I’m not going to think - which means minimal editing - I’m just going to write and post. I probably won’t even share these posts for a while. I need to build this habit back up first.

It will probably take a bit to get my writing muscle back up. But that’s okay. Short blog posts are still blog posts. This is more for myself. This is a change that I want to do in order to make me the person I want to be five years from now. For now though… I’m just going to see where this takes me.


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